This year, unfortunately, we had to break with the long tradition of holding the celebration with a previous general meeting in Harxheim at Christine Bernhard’s house; unfortunately the property is no longer available to us.
The presidents have found a wonderful new location for this, the farmer’s café Zum Fruchtspeicher in Sippersfeld. The journey was a bit long and unusual for some people, but we were rewarded with a great location and excellent service.

We were cooked and served by Karsten Bessai’s 3-man team. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the pleasant manner of service provided by his wife and her helper, and above all by the ingeniousness of the cuisine presented.

The organizers have also come up with something very nice for the wine equipment. Christine Bernhard and Bernd Pflüger, two wine connoisseurs known from the region and close friends of Wingertschnegg, were invited and politely asked to select and present the wine range. As always, they did it brilliantly and even experienced wine drinkers were able to learn something new that evening.

At the previous annual general meeting, which this time had 12 full members, a lot was reported and discussed. A good sign for our Wingertschnegg. On top of that, Gerd Nieder and Uwe Degner were chosen as the new presidents. The footsteps of the outgoing presidents Peter Merkel and Peter Wirges are very big, but with everyone’s help we will continue to be a well-functioning community. And that’s not the only reason why our constantly helping ladies, who spoil us with delicacies from the kitchen and oven during our work, were rightly presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Despite the long way home, the party was only dissolved very late and everyone agreed: we could do it like that again! We’ll see!